Car Parking

At the Palace Cinema we provide an onsite car park with ample parking, available for use by our guests at a nominal charge.

Duration of Stay Cost
4 hours £1
8 hours £2
16 hours £3
24 hours £4
5 day pass £15

Car Parking charges will not apply on Isle of Man public holidays.

Please use the pay and display car parking terminals located in the car park and display your ticket clearly on the dashboard.

Car parking charges will apply from Monday 5th October 2015




Ticket Prices

Normal Showings

Adult: £11.5

Child (up to 14 years): £9

Normal Showings
3D Movies

Adult: £11.5

Child (up to 14 years): £9

3D Movies
Box Office

Open Daily: from 5pm

Telephone: 3.00pm to 8.30pm daily on 682773 or 682778

Box Office
screen one

Coming Soonshow all

Snow White  | TBC

Showing from: TBC

Nightly at TBC

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